There is a huge effort to discount or ignore the Christian roots of our nation. The founders believed that a self governing free society was only possible by a moral people, and they looked to religion to supply that morality. Specifically, Christianity. Even those that were not really Christian by today’s standards – namely Jefferson and Franklin – actively promoted the teaching of the Bible.
As for the other founders – 33 signers of the Declaration of Independence were ordained ministers. Key concepts of our founding documents – such as being endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights – came from sermons. That was a radical and unique thought in that day. Our rights are not granted by our government, but but God. That means the government cannot take them away.
The further we get away as a nation from the moral model that Judeo-Christianity supplies, the more godless we become, the closer we come to losing our freedoms. When God is no longer allowed in government, when leaders no longer believe in the concepts in the Declaration and Constitution – then they will also believe they can take those freedoms away. It will always be couched in a deception that it is to accomplish some sort of good.
There has been a decades long program to infiltrate every area of influence of culture, the “seven mountains” – Family, Education, Business/Economy, Government, the Arts and Entertainment, Media, and Religion. They have pretty much accomplished it. Higher education, with few exceptions, have become indoctrination centers for leftest “theology”. And it’s coming down lower and lower into the high schools and even the grade schools. Kids are NOT being taught the history that I learned in the 60’s and 70’s. They are being taught that America is a deeply flawed nation that was founded on slavery.
One word on that – every civilization since the dawn of time has practiced slavery. Does that make it OK? Absolutely not. But it makes it much more important not which nation practiced slavery, but which ones abolished it. The abolitionist movements in England and America were driven by committed Christians.
When I was in high school I read George Orwell’s 1984. It almost reads as a prophecy today. Here are some quotes from Orwell:
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. History has stopped.
from 1984
In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
This has happened because Christians have let it happen. We thought we were to be separate from culture and government. With the Christian influence largely removed – the light taken away – it naturally has become darker.
Thankfully the Church is waking up, and speaking up. Myself, I’ve always been a conservative mainly due to the influence of my mother. She called herself a member of the Silent Majority, Loudmouth Division. She would go to the peace rallies in the early 70’s and speak, to give the other side. She brought me and my girlfriend to one in San Francisco when I was 15. Quite an experience. They let her speak. Back then they actually did believe in free speech.
Over the years I haven’t been too political until the past five years or so. But the time has come for me to take a stand. I am a member of that hated group, a white Christian conservative male – a deplorable – and proud of it.
Both Barak Obama and Joe Biden have made statements that we are in a battle for the soul of our nation. A truer word has not been spoken.
This is not a political battle, it is a spiritual one. Satan is not hiding anymore. His intentions are not just being hinted at, they are being openly declared. There is a movement to destroy America as it was intended. In the past lip service was given that what we need is “democratic socialism”. Now they left is not hiding that what they want is out and out Marxism.
My concentration and concern is mainly for Christians. There are enough of us that if we voted together, we could win the election. But there are so many Christians that hate Trump so much, that they would rather affiliate themselves with a party whose platform is diametrically opposed to most of the values that a true Christian should have.
Trump is a flawed person, no doubt about it. He has a huge ego and a big mouth. But while in office, he has done more in support of religious freedom, for support of the nation of Israel, he has openly associated with and sought the counsel of Christian leaders, more than any president in my lifetime. He is the first president to attend the March for Life anti-abortion rally. He has done more to actually improve the lives of blacks than anyone on the other side including our black president. He does what he says he will do – he’s kept more of his campaign promises than any other president in modern history.
The problem is many Christians have believed the narrative put out by a corrupt media. The leftists are playing by Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals – always accuse the other side of what you yourself are doing. Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer. Hillary Clinton cited him as one of her mentors.
I pray for Christians – that the blinders would be removed from our eyes, that we would see the truth and motivations behind the actions and words spoken. Look at the people leaders choose to associate with. Look at the evil actions that they refuse to condemn. Look at how their party and platform treats and views people of faith.
I include myself on this. I am not so naive to think that I am not subject to right wing bias. But I pray that corruption be exposed – and brought to justice – no matter which side it is on politically. I refuse to insult and call people names regardless of how much I disagree with what they say and do.
I pray for our leaders – like it says in 1 Timothy 2:2 – that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness. I must confess, I do pray for the leaders that I agree with more than the ones I don’t. But I don’t pray that God strike them down. I pray that they may see the truth, and have wisdom to know what is actually best for the country, and not just what will keep them in power. And if they refuse to do that, that they be removed from office, to live a long and happy life.
To Christians everywhere – vote platform not personality! Examine what each side stands for, not just slogans they throw out. And make sure you vote! Not voting is the same as voting for the other side.
End of rant.
If you are interested in the Christian influences in the founding of our nation, I recommend David Barton. He is a historian that examines history by reading the writings of those that were the movers and shakers in the early days of our country. He has a huge collection of actual letters written, original books and writings published from that time.
To get a sample, here is an interview he did with Ben Shapiro.